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What notifications are sent from Popwork and notification preferences

Updated over a week ago

Here's the list of notifications sent by Popwork:

  • 1:1 meetings or objectives rituals: When a team member shares their answers, their manager is notified immediately by e-mail.

  • Feedbacks: When feedback is shared, the team member or manager is notified immediately by e-mail.

  • Comments: When a comment is shared between a manager and a team member in the shared workspace, the recipient is notified by e-mail immediately.

  • Action items: When a manager or team member adds action items, no email notification is sent. The manager and team member can access the action items via the "Action items" view of their shared workspace.

If you feel you receive too much email notifications in relation to comments, you can turn them off by clicking on the link at the bottom of comments emails, as shown below.

If you use Slack, you can also enable Popwork notifications in Slack instead of emails.

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